Official Opening of Pacific Policing Initiative Pinkenba Hub
Police Ministers and Commissioners from across the Pacific have today come together to officially launch the next stage of the Pacific Policing Initiative (PPI).
Brisbane’s Pinkenba Hub brings to life the third pillar of the PPI which provides a Policing Development and Coordination Hub.
The Pacific Policing Initiative is a Pacific-led, Australia backed initiative to strengthen peace and security throughout the region.
As the Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, announced in Tonga, Australia is proud to be backing the Pacific Policing Initiative by committing approximately $400 million over 5 years to ensure it delivers on the aspirations of Pacific countries.
This is about Pacific security, delivered by the Pacific, in support of Pacific sovereignty.
The Pinkenba Hub will support the functioning of the PPI’s Regional Centres of Excellence and Pacific Police Support Group by housing and training Pacific participants.
The Pinkenba Hub has already been used to train 33 police officers from 11 Pacific countries as members of the Pacific Police Support Group which successfully deployed to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa in October.
The Pinkenba Hub will be staffed by the Australian Federal Police and Pacific police and is a testament to our shared vision, values and aspirations.