Portfolio − The Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP
The Attorney-General's portfolio comprises the Attorney-General's Department and a number of statutory and non-statutory bodies.
Areas of responsibility – Attorney-General
- Administration of criminal justice, including:
- criminal law policy and principles of criminal responsibility
- matters relating to prosecution
- sentencing and management of federal offenders
- international crime cooperation, including extradition and mutual assistance in criminal matters
- Administrative support for Royal Commissions and certain other inquiries
- Copyright
- Fraud and anti-corruption policy
- Freedom of information
- Law and justice, including:
- administrative law
- alternative dispute resolution
- bankruptcy
- constitutional law
- courts and tribunals
- human rights
- international law
- law reform
- legal assistance
- legislative drafting
- marriage and family law
- personal property securities
- Law enforcement policy and operations
- Legal services to the Commonwealth
- National child protection policy and strategy
- Native title
- Privacy
- Protective services at Commonwealth establishments and diplomatic and consular premises in Australia
- Whole of government integrity policy and activities